Mom and Brett (7)
Mom and Brett (7)
Shrek, Tigger and a REALLY scray Lion....Braden's "roars" were quite furocious! The kids had a fun time as usual dressing up and collecting their gobs of candy! Kylie, could really care less about the whole ordeal but smiled and looked adorable nonetheless. I decided that next year we are NOT going to buy costumes; we're definately going to be 'creative' as my dear cousins Darcie and Erin were with their kids costumes. Glad it's over and will be even more glad when we don't have two large bowls of teeth wreckers on top of the fridge! Until next year....
Kylie is doing super. She is now 2 1/2 months old and is a whopping 14 lbs!! YIKES. She's really tall too. Go figure:) She has been sleeping about 10-12 hours every night for 3 weeks now and we are absolutely loving it. Hooray for rest!!
Poppa was quite surprised (he thought he was going to a midget hockey banquet) he even had a bit of 'nap head' from the afternoon! Bless his heart......
Here Granny and Poppa enjoy their six kids altogether......they don't get a chance to do this very often. Auntie Beryl made the special trip out from Chile for this big celebration.
The 'boy' cousins enjoyed each other's company very much; they had a blast on the dance floor:)
My mom and dad on the left sneaking in some snuggles with their new grand-daughter.....
On the right, we got a '4 generations of women' with Granny, mom, myself and Kylie.