Brad is such a great husband and dad. He is extremely supportive in the things that I do as a mom, wife and woman and I think that alot of times I just don't give him enough credit out loud.
After Kylie was born, the nurse took us to our room in the maternity ward and Brad pulled out the extremely uncomfortable cot to lay down on for a few hours to stay with me for a bit. I was still very awake from the adrenaline rush you get after having a baby and I would notice Brad peeking his tired eyes open once and awhile when he heard Kylie stir or if he would hear me get out of bed. One of these times, I was nursing our brand new little girl and I happened to look up and see Brad gazing my direction and I noticed a special look on his face. It was absolutely priceless and meant so much more to me than any silly card, flowers or gift would ever mean. It was the look that said "Thank you, thank you, thank you for being my children's mother; I love you with all of my heart" (excuse me, I need to go and get a tissue:)

I will never forget that gift he gave me on March 19th, 2007; it was the best gift a girl could ever ask for. Thank you Brad for loving me the way that you do; I love you with all of my heart and couldn't ask for a better husband and father for our children.
Hi Dana,
I enjoyed reading your works. You must be very satisfied with your life, a loving husband and an adorable baby at your side, what more can you ask. I also enjoyed looking at your pictures, you are indeed one happy family. Can I invite you to my owm blogsite? There maybe things there that could interest you. Thank you very much and God bless.
Mel Alarilla at BLESSINGS
email address:
That is a very precious blog girl!!! It is nice to be reminded and it is in those moments that we realize it might have been there the whole was just hidden. Love ya!
That is an amazing blog to your hubby. I needed a tissue.
Thank you, Dana, for loving my brother the way that you do and being such a great friend. Love ya!
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