Today is a VERY special day; and I'm pretty sure I'll be in happy tears all day just thinking about it! Here's the story:)
Payton.....( by the way.... Payt is my nephew and I am one of his very lucky Aunties!) This little boy in this photo just turned three; it's actually his birthday the day this photo was taken. That little sad face breaks your heart doesn't it? He's sad cuz he doesn't feel well....he had been diagnosed a few weeks prior to this with Leukemia and was being treated with alot of chemotherapy and various other drugs at the time. He was starting to lose his hair and his gorgeous long dark eyelashes; strange things were going on with his little body that he just didn't understand (nor did his parents) but they just had to trust the doctors and let them do what they thought was the right thing to do to help him. Who knew that the road of Leukemia would be over 3 years???!!! Seriously; did you know that?
Who knew that he would endure spinal tap after spinal tap, and take chemo every day for well over 1000 days of his life? Who knew that he would require steroids that make his brain think he might be a 15 year old boy that is starving all the time; but then told he can't eat because it would be too close to taking his chemo?Who knew that at any inclination of a fever; his mom and dad would have to rush him to the local hospital for blood tests and IV's to make sure he didn't have an infection. His body couldn't fight infection at all on it's own due to the chemo killing all of his immune system day after day. Who knew that God would scoop Payton up his big might hands and carry him through the next three years of treatment and keep him safe? Who knew that this little boy would melt the hearts of every single person he came across?? Well. We all knew that; look at him!
Along the road of treatment, Payton did amazingly well. He often had that big smile on his face; and if he wasn't smiling, it didn't usually last that long. That has alot to do with the next people you will meet!
This handsome guy is Ryan. He wins an award for being a FANTASTIC big brother. Wow. Ry has travelled this road with his little brother; being frightened for him, feeling sad when Payton didn't feel well. Travelling back and forth to Vancouver all the time. I can't even mention all the things that Ryan has been for Payt cuz the list is too long! All I know is that this family is exactly as God planned it to be for a very good reason. They are meant for each other. the most amazing parents EVER!
Remember your wedding vows? "For better or for worse; through sickness and in health"? I always thought that through sickness meant our own sickness; either my husband or myself. It has a whole new meaning now. Something like this can tear people apart. These guys watched it happen to other people throughout this process; it's not an easy road and can be very stressful on a marriage. But Steve and Kerri made it! They love each other more now than they did 3 years ago.... and it shows. They are pretty darn amazing and I sure love them alot!!....(here I go with those happy tears again! ) They have endured heartache, worry, stress, bucket loads of tears. They have put their lives on hold for three years to take care of their baby. They have done it all with extreme amounts of grace and dignity. Their faith never waivered for a second. They never second guessed God; they just went with it. Trusting Him, knowing that they would be ok. "On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand". AMEN!
So today, February 1st, 2011 is A VERY EXCITING DAY! This is the last day of chemo for Payton. (happy tears again!) Our kids were saying their bedtime prayers last night and were thanking God that today is the last day. And we joked around with them saying they could take Payt to school for their show and tell. They could say "My show and tell today is a miracle. A living, walking miracle. My cousin Payton has survived leukemia!" Not only survived it; but 'laid a lick'in on it!' AMEN AGAIN!
(tears again!!! It's gonna be along day:) that you've witnessed a miracle with us............ Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your thoughts and kind words. THANK YOU for taking this journey with Steve, Kerri, Ryan and Payton. Keep praying! Even though he is done is chemo today; his immune system still needs to build up for the next few months; and then we pray for no relapse of the leukemia over the next year or two.
If you haven't experienced the trust in God that I talked about above and you would like to know what that is like or know more about it; please don't hesitate to ask me or someone else you know who shares the same trust. I can't imagine living this life without God. Payton can't imagine his life without God living in his heart either; and he could tell you all about it too! It's simply a free gift......
Thank you for sharing this day with all of us! Bless you and let's celebrate together!
That was beautiful, Dana! Thank you for sharing! I know I will be crying some of those happy tears with you today! (I already did...)
What a beautiful story of hope and faith. My sister has been terminally ill with a blood disorder that is very much like leukemia for 9 years now so I know a bit about what you all have been going through. It's so amazing to be able to lean on God through hard times, isn't it? He never fails.
I'm so, SO happy for you all that Payton is well again. I'll be praying for no relapses!
Well said Dana;
Happy tears with you today!
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